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Saturday, June 06, 2009
Wedding.... / 5:01 PM

Congratualations to the newly wed on 03-06-2009

Attended a fren wedding on a weekday....i guess dis is my first weekday dinner that i have attended....went to the wrong place...haha....tot its the place that i feel quite memorable...that we spend quite sometime together chating...nice chat...though there is no place to seat...but the quietness...the ambience....but end up its some where furthur up...erm....somewhere at the golf course

My job that day is to send those "jiu gui" home....one got so drunk that he shitted on his pants....and he kept apologizing...which no choice i still have to send him home as promised...but on that day itself we can onli smell it...but didnt noe what happen until the following day...he told another guy wat happened then i got to n0e the whole truth.....lol...and there is stain left in my car...yuckS!!! and i didnt clean it away until the next morning...faint....coz by the time i home its 3am in the morning already....though i m nt tired but i m n0t so on to go clean..i onli leave it to air...sadded...hope the smell is not in my car anymore


Went to get some cosmetics product....and i received an sms...i wonder should i be happy to receive or so i be angry...i duno wat u want....u dun wan mi to leave u for good happily?? or u wan me to stay by ur side to be upset?? ....my sis said...though adam and her are together for 3 years...just even 2 days he go on field camp where he cant contact her she dun feel good adam feels the same way too....yet u can tell me u r n0t someone hu will wants to contact each other everyday?? and u said unless ur frens can see the change in me then u will wan to accept me?? ...are we together becoz of ur frends or becoz u really love me?? Do you even n0e i nid to force myself to smile even though the feeling in me is extremely terrible??

I showed her the sms...she say she feel like giving him a slap...after that i told her...If things are so easy to let go i wun be so upset already...then she say..."i guess the person i should slap is you". sigh...

someone told me dis "Being a gal...one should noe when to let go and when to grap it tight..." but i lost control of the situation again...he even used a fren whom i always hope we can be together but end up failed to quote it as an example why our relationship failed...

For your information...that fren n u are not the same in many ways...1st....me and him right from the start are just fren but me n u are in a relationship....2nd....right from the start he already say its impossible...its all a one sided affair...

Why our relationship failed? reason is becoz u gave me the feeling that you are someone hu will take care of me....hu will take care of me irrgardless of any circumstances....the u that i like is u understand wat i want...u treat me like a little princess...but everything is all wrong....coz all the good that i remember abt u does not happen anymore....u said those where past...

The good that i remembered....the things that makes me fall so deep:
1.)the moment i step into ur car...u will past me the yellow pillow....times when i feel upset i hug tight on the pillow n u kept quiet beside me waitin for me to tell u why i m upset.... (yes ..dis was long ago.....so long that its was during the days when just got to n0e u)

2.)No matter how bad i treat u...u didnt get angry with me..dis pointer means everything already... something that i feel extremely bad....one new year...u hurt ur back...so painful that u nid to slowly move urself in n out of the car...but u still agree to drive my mom sis n i to pray...but i just cant be bothered about u...even when i reach home i didnt even say a thank you or bid u good bye...but u didnt leave me alone...u continue to contact me ask mi out...(yes...i admit i take you for granted...so all dis while i noe i have take u for granted too long so i give in alot to dis relationship....but u?? juz push mi away too many times...i m upset....i get moody easily...i cant get to slp even though its 3am in the morning already...when at customer site...i keep yawning....)

3.)In my memory...u contacted me almost everyday....so on days when u did not contact me i missed u...but i didnt tell u...i didnt dare tell u coz i dun wan to end up its a one sided affair again...on my birthday...u celebrated with me...after that u held my hands...but do u n0e..i force myself to push u away...i n0e i hurt u...but i m n0t sure at that point of time wat i want..but i n0e u have already somehow affected me in someways...i told geraldine abt dis before...abt my uncertainty....from then till now...i took up the courage to accept a new relationship...a new chapter of my life...but somehow....we didnt get together at the begining it was a sign that we are not fated...2008 xmas and countdown...u didnt look for me...do u n0e...i feel very upset?? becoz i wanted to spend the time with u....sigh...probably all fated...after all the things that have happened yet i still wan to challange fate...how will i be able to win?? n now..i m the only person challenging fate...i wun be able to win definatly

u nv get out of my head at all...probably i should be happy...that i got stuck at w0rk...but i m so stupid....stuck at w0rk till 12+ am...reach home get things done abt 1+ le...i went to turn on the computer...saw ur updates....feel like i have fallen off the stairs....i start to get upset again...seeing yourself enjoying ..yet i m the onli person feeling upset...sigh....probably like wat u said..u will be more happy like that...then we will remain as it is...

went to baby shower...saw a fren that i have long seen....he changed gf already...shock...seems like human really got to move on...i so much wanted to contact u...but i guess i should not...becoz if he really finds me important...he will look for me...he will want my accompany...he will not mind to bring me along to mix with his frens....juz like dis fren hu bring along his new gf...to mix with his frens...but apprantly....the 3pointers that i have said is not true to him...so m i really important to u?? guess nt...

Since young...when i m upset i will write in a diary...after writing in the diary i feel so much better...now since internet is so wonderful....when i m upset i will come here to write...at the same time write abt somethings that have happen recently...yup....thats why end up my blog will onli have those that i m upset...n those days when i m happy?? coz when i m happy i dun haf the time to blog....sigh

Sunday, May 31, 2009
What do i have ahead?? / 1:16 PM

The pain is stronger than I thought....I duno how long i can hold onto anymore...

Headache n flu....hoping u were by my side....but in reality it will nv come through...I cant control my emotion towards my family...i juz want to keep quiet....i juz dun wan to tok to anyone in my family....Which resulted in me throwing my temper at u all...

I m really sorry for my actions....i cant control my emotion....though its juz a short two months it really impacted me alot....Mummy n daddy....I am really sorry...

I duno how long i will take dis time...but i really nid time to get over...

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Hurt / 10:02 AM

云碎成雨点 等你的抱歉 却等到你的 不告而别 星光像泪水 没说的思念变成黑眼圈 几百天来的热烈 一个寒流就瓦解 再厚的爱只是一叠纸片 你在房间 像幻灯片 你在我眼里蔓延 你在手机 你在笔电 无法隔绝 你在深夜 像黑咖啡 你在我心里面 陪我失眠 可是却不在 我身边 感冒整个月 心里的疲倦 比发烧晕眩 比头痛烈 我不爱争辩 脑海却模糊决定一切 我换沙发换窗帘却换不掉你固执的气味 抱着一起养的小狗倔强假装克服了伤悲 它吻了我~ 弄乱藏好的泪....

Feel so emo after listening to the above song....it somehow describe my feelings....2 songs in my playlist...repeating one after another....If i keep listening to dis sad song...how will i be happy?? haiz....

End of the month again...claims...clocking....really no mood to do...haiz....if i dun do..next mth i cant survive....argh!

Stupid people always do stupid things....juz like my claims...i claimed onli 3weeks for the previous mth...but i submitted all my receipts and clocking printout....then dis mth..i dun haf printout anymore...haiz...i will have to ask for reprint...and i have to think of a good excuse...argh! wth...why m i always doing stupid things....

I juz want to lead a life of my own...It is difficult as i hav fallen into the trap so deep...Someone say dis before "time will heal"...Yes...time will heal...but wat happen to the time during healing?? haiz...terrible....it is so difficult for me to move out of one...now came another....sigh...

Friday, May 29, 2009
Friends... / 10:20 AM

What are friends for?? Who are your true friends?

Friend is so important when you need someone to be with you...they are there...they are ur true friends..I am sitting at a coffee shop with them....the moment i saw something that is not wat is expected tears filled my eyes....juz that it didnt roll down...

Thanks my fren for keeping me accompanied till 12+....but i m sorry....its seems like u have talk mi sense...and i finally able to slp well...but after a nite sleep....i feel terrible again...sigh...

But nevertheless....i will not look back...how terrible i feel what u have said is rite....trust is the most important issue...without trust there are many things that cant move on...problem will juz reoccur....

Sorry to my drinking frens...i have gone MIA for 2mths...i will be back for u guys again...I will make sure i stick to u guys until u all find mi a pain in the neck... =) ....

Actually my reason for MIA is partly becoz of my gastric...Drinking will onli cause my gastric to get worse...until now since march i hav seen a doc and go on medication for a week i still have gastric almost everyday...the uncomfortable feeling...thats why didnt wanna join u guys for drinking...n if i go out with u guys n i dun drink i feel quite left out...But now..i guess gastric is secondary...primary are u guys...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Brace up / 7:09 PM

Its been quite a while since i blog here....its june in another few days already...half a year is gone in a blink....in between there were many things that happened....

I started some committment...now i really have to work...

A few days back...i went to kiddy palace with a fren...looking for some towels....and stuff for her baby that is goin to due in a few more weeks time....looking at her progress....within 2 years her life changed....from single to married....to having her own children soon....what is my progress??

i didnt progress at all...until nw i m still marching on the spot....dis few weeks i feel so sad...i really wish for a stable relationship...why is it so difficult? sigh

Saturday, January 03, 2009
2008 is over....Welcome 2009 / 2:24 AM

My 2weeks leave is goin to end soon....i got myself filled with activities almost everyday....how cool....lol...though it could b a simple meet up of lunch i m oso happy....to whom i have met during my 2wks leave "I do cherish all of you...hope we can maintain dis kind of friendship...guys n gals...." ....though u all might not see dis....but its wat i wanna say out....hu noes one day....my blog will become famous...and anyone of u happen to be reading...haha....fat hope...

30th Dec 2008 => GTS party!! though i m on leave n i click i wun be joining...but in the end i joined!!! haha....coz wanna get together mah...before the party....went to watch Bedtime Stories....its seems funny...coz he is laughing all the way....while i m trying beri hard to understand...lol....blame myself for my poor english and chinese.....cant really understand wat the ang mohs are toking and cant really read the subtitle coz its in chinese....well...best rite....in the middle of no where...haiz....gotta buck up!!!

After the dinner we went to Sassy Bar to celebrate Ivan Lin's birthday....plan was to make up drink till he drop...lol...but he not steady lah....he noe he reach his peak le...then he stop le...much over ur peak mah....like that then we happy mah...lol....ok....as usual i cannot take hard liquor....upon reaching home.....merlion god came to me.....abt 7+ i reach home....i vomit till coming 2+ then i manage to fall asleep....tried to take some food n coffee...but it came out too...sigh....

That nite is a nightmare to me....how i wish i m really drunk....but i m not....i m beri clear abt what happened....so many unexpected....

..... I think i can count the number of times i see u be4...yet u are the one in my car
.....even though u are in my car...no matter how i force u to get out of the car u didnt go....coz i tot if i dun really noe u....it should be ez to ask u to get down the car....sory to haf hurt u....sory to hav been so harsh on u....i didnt mean it...i really dun mean it coz it hurts mi too when i said all those nasty things to u....

its really too dramatic....until n0w when i m doing nthing or i m in my car infront of the red traffic light for a moment or 2....that whole incident will juz flash across my head.....

becoz of what happen....its makes mi agree alot that u can dun nid to n0e dis person alot... when he is the right man for u...anything can work out.....

lastly....lets welcome 2009....a brand new year....wish my brand new start will come soon...resolution for yr 2009 : start saving ...hee....

start of 2009 we played mj.....and i won...haha...its a good start for mi!!! hohoho......

Friday, December 26, 2008
Relationships...... / 10:47 PM

Many hais to get started blogging.....I am on leave....i should be over the moon...i should be enjoying.....but why am i so bothered....so upset.....gosh.....

i m on leave since 22nd dec to 05th jan.....will resume work on 6th....

22nd dec
-send mom to work
-went jogging
-met colleague for lunch n walk ard lot1
-pick mom from work
-end of the day

23rd dec
-went to SGH with mom for chk up on her hands
-met colleague for lunch
-mum went to do her hair while i go clean my teeth
after mom finishes doing her hair...we went to buy lots of stuff at cosway...its a small shop yet they haf lots of things varies from things to pamper yourself to cleaning toilets to washing car...anything that u need...u might be able to find it there....
-went to the bridal shop to lend the gown i nid for the big day....but not mine....sad

24th dec
-as usual...morning send mom to work
-meet fren for lunch
-pick mom from work
-xmas countdown at frens house....lol.....infact is playing mj throughout the nite...haha....play till 4am...so tired....

25th dec
-went to lot1 to buy some groceries.....saw vivien....oh...she done her lasik.....now she dun nid her specs already......lol....ur dream guy coming for u soon!!! haha.....
-went for movie marathon...haha..YESMAN...and twilight....i guess both of us think that yesman would be a prefered choice.....thanks for making the booking in advance...else i guess we wun be able to get seats for yesman....even for collection of tickets....the queue is like so long lah.....
-by the time we finish watch twilight its like 12+ le....so tired.....while walking to the carpark...saw a CJ7....lol...so cute lah....but seems dirty...so tie him below my bumper...haha...now its even more dirty.....

26th dec
-mom went to work herself...then tot of goin jogging...but its drizzling...so end up didnt go....n finish up my last episode of hotshot....took mi so long to finish watching...seh....
-went to repair my sis phone....and we went to do our hair at chapter2.....cost us $497....they 40% off.....but we still nid to pay the full amt...and the 40% off will go into a card....the amt can be use for the next service.....its quite good in the sense that ppl will tend to go back again coz they wanna use the $$ in the card.....good idea.... below will be some pics took after our hairdo....hee....

sis dyed her hair red

a little change in hairdo

my hair is much shorter after the hairdo......n so not use to my short fringe....
ok...to sum up everything....somehow though i m filled so many activities i m not happy....somehow i m trying to avoid myself getting involved in those messy relationship...boy ger relationship is so messy.... it took mi 2 years to get out of dis shit.....why why did u come mess up my life again..is dis a revenge? haiz..why u offer to help mi do up my room..after work not bath not changed u came to help mi with the very dirty window blind..u help mi painted up the walls..why did u help mi do up my window grill..why did u appear at the hospital..why did u initiate to meet after a bad day for mi..why why why...now when i needed u where are u?? .....dis festive season...u said before u wanted to meet...but where were u....
u think i wan to get angry with u?? i waited for u to ask again...but u didnt..why did u make mi fall into ur trap yet not catching my fall......i guess u dun nid mi anymore....haiz....

/ believe in wonderland,
with you in my mind
it's not that hard to believe
i'm in wonderland
and that's where I am
only a place to where we know
and never escape into reality
plunge into a fantasy

just about my love

remembered as legend
designer: darkdegree
icons: x x x x
archive: x

07. To Love You More.mp3 - Celine Dion